Ordinary and Extraordinary

How do we balance the struggle between finding life meaningless, since we are all going to die anyway, and finding purpose and meaning in what we are doing, since God has work for us to do. For example….what’s the point in trying to work hard at my job, or become better at volleyball, since 100 years from now, none of that will matter. But on the other hand, what if working hard at my job enables me to make a good salary, which enables me to give to missions? What if becoming good at volleyball enables me to join a league, which enables me to reach out to a Muslim trying to learn? We live in a culture that wants to tell you to do the bare minimum…..create your own purpose and meaning, and be happy with whatever you create. May I encourage you to not be swayed by that trend in our culture. God can use you to do something extraordinary in this world, even if that’s living an ordinary life–be extraordinary at being ordinary. Your life is important. Don’t believe the lie that as long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters. I can be happy eating ice cream and playing video games all day. As long as God is happy, that’s all that matters. God took the time to create you and bring you into existence. Let’s thank Him by doing something extraordinary with our lives, even if that is being extraordinary at being ordinary.