Hey Church Family,
20 years ago, in 1991, Dee Brown won the Basketball slam dunk contest by covering up his eyes while dunking. So as a nine year old, what better to do then to try to imitate him. So I took my inside basketball goal and set it up. I backed up, got a running head start and took off. I closed my eyes and tried to dunk…I missed the goal…BAD…so bad I landed into a sheet-rock wall, leaving a massive hole. I then tried to cover it up by lying to my parents telling them that I tripped and fell into the wall…they didn’t buy it.
We have to be careful who we are trying to imitate in life. Often, we find ourselves imitating people in the media, or even friends, that we think makes us funny, or cool. In the process we lose our identity in Christ. At the risk of sounding preachy, I want to remind us that Jesus is our model. We are to imitate Him.
In Christ,
Pastor Matt